We work with senior executives to unlock leadership potential and bring about long-lasting, embodied behaviour change – both professional and personal. Leading effectively in today’s VUCA environments is no longer about authoritative command and control – it is about nurturing a holistic set of qualities to ensure survival and competitive edge. Our leading-edge approach is bespoke, personal, highly creative, forthright and empowering. We work with individuals, teams and HR to develop a human-centric approach to the issue at hand via team coaching and bespoke experiential intervention.
A successful corporate leader and highly qualified professional executive
coach, working with a network of expert associates.
With globalisation and the rapid pace of technology-driven change
requiring business leaders to adapt fast, Neela’s mission is to help unlock
the full human potential for leadership.
Her unique, innovative style sees her combining evolved creative
techniques with her own deeply instinctive empathy and forthright
openness to inspire clients to reach their full potential and achieve rapid