You are warmly invited to an energising breakfast briefing on the morning of 15th of November 2017 at the Wallacespace rooms in Covent Garden.
We have a question for you: what makes you tick? It’s a simple question – but can you answer it with genuine conviction? And do you live, love and work like you truly own that answer? For the question, really, is this: do you tick?
Since 2010, we’ve been inspiring female executives like you to greater heights, and we’d love for you to attend a special breakfast briefing at the Wallacespace rooms that will get you thinking about this. I have brought together a line-up of inspirational speakers who can supercharge and clarify your sense of purpose. It’s what the Japanese call ikigai – your passion, your vocation, your mission. That quality that makes you spring rather than flop out of bed. Each of our speakers will be followed by innovative interactive activities that will get you to dive deeply into the topic at hand. You will leave clear-headed, inspired – and brimful of ikigai.
To get an idea of what our breakfasts are like, do check the video of one of our latest briefings
Wallacespace, Covent Garden 2 Dryden St,
London WC2E 9NA
8am-12.30pm .
Neela Bettridge – Executive coach and mentor.
Gila Seritcioglu – Master Certified Executive Coach
To reserve your place, contact Yasmeen Walid [email protected]
To get an idea of what our breakfasts are like, do check the video of one of our latest briefings